"Politics of a Lie II"
20"x38" Enamel on Acrylic
by Kenneth Pederson
OK, technically ALL my paintings are abstracts.
But, some are more abstract than others!
The Gates 68"x68" $1,000
Wild Horses I 29"x31" Enamel on Glass Sold
Wild Horses II 24"x32" Enamel on Hardboard $700
Whither the Spirit Goes 12"x42" $220
Sun & Sea 4"x4" $35
Dreamrise 30"x48" on wood Sold
Before the Hurricane 8"x10" on Glass $70
Smiles in the Sky 8"x10" on Glass $70
Spontaneous Apple Creation 8"x10" on Glass $70
Politics of a Lie II 20"x38" Sold
Politics of a Lie I 20"x38" Sold
Politics on the Beach 20"x10" $80
One Tree 84"x24" $2,000
Spots 4"x4" $40
Parts of the Whole 5 paintings 8"x30" $700
A Shift in the Path 32"x24" $300
Stacked 5"x9" NFS
Space thru Time 5 paintings 8"x30" $700
Trails 12"x24" Enamel on Hardboard $100
Squares mobile 5'x15' $1,500
In the Beginning 48"x48" $1,000
Goin' Home 18"x22" Sold
Escort 18"x18" $200
Family I 16"x12" $180
Family III 16"x12" $180
Blue Square 5"x18" Sold
The Tangled Web We Weave 5"x18" $60
Circles mobile 3'x15' $1,000 (donated to Wildcat Elementary)
Dragonfire I 19"x45" $350
Dragonfire II 19"x45" $350
Little White Lie I 20"x38" Sold
Some Thoughts Turn Together, Some Thoughts Stand Alone 32"x24" $300
Lenticular Rainbow 26"x26" Enamel on Hardboard $200
Public Education 19"x19" Sold
Untitled 26"x26" Enamel on Hardboard $200
Dancing Squares 20"x30" $200
A Memory of a Dream of a Flower 9"x6" $50
The Red Demon Laughs as Ananias and Sapphira Fall Into the Pit 5"x4" $500
Spite, Rushing In After Envy 14"x6" $150
Arriving From Elsewhen 30"x32" Enamel on Glass Sold
Accidental Discovery Sold
Compromising the Compartments 21"x30" on Glass $280
On the Corporate Ladder 13"x13" $200
Slipstream 16"x20" on canvas $200
Osmosis 16"x20" on canvas $200
No, That Way 16"x20" on canvas $200
When Galaxies Wink 60"x60" on canvas $1,000
Norah O'Donnell 36"x24" on canvas $300
Thursday 24"x72" $800
Exhale 18x64 on tempered glass framed in 2x6 $1,200
Triangulation1 20"x20" $200
Triangulation2 20"x20" $200
Triangulation3 20"x20" $200